After posting about my misadventures in Brazilian Waxing, I realized that I actually love waxing a lot more than I realized. I’ve been getting them done for quite a while and I felt it might be great to share some of the knowledge I’ve picked up. From my own personal experience and conversations with my waxers, I’ve learned these 5 things that you need to know before your first Brazilian wax!
Tips for Before you First Brazilian Wax
1. Shower First, duh
Showering right before your wax is a no-brainer. This will make you feel more comfortable the first time and also make things less awkward. I once asked my waxer what was the worst thing she had seen in her line of work and I was surprised to not get any complaints about less than desirable feminine hygiene. She did mention a client who climbed up on the table with extremely dirty feet…
Also, don’t feel the need to shave anything else before your appointment. But you might want to trim your hair a little if it’s fully grown out. I find this helps with the pain… a little.
2. Go to a professional.
I have never gone to the back room of a nail salon for a Brazilian. Something about it just never sat well with me. I go to European Wax Center. I like this company because the rooms are very private, they have a standard of cleanliness and professionalism, and there is never a long wait for a wax. I’m always in and out quickly. Also, this is a nationwide chain so if you move or need a wax while on vacation you can easily find one. When I made my move from Illinois to Arizona literally everything about my life was different, but when I walked into European Wax Center for my wax appointment, the cookie-cutter layout made me feel comfortable and at home immediately.
Tips for During Your Wax
3. Make sure everything is up to your standard
Waxers should always be wearing gloves and never dipping the disposable wooden stick back into the wax after it touches your skin. If you notice the room isn’t clean or other sanitary concerns say something right away. Also, if you have a waxer who misses a spot, speak up! It isn’t considered rude to ask them to go over a spot again or to tell them how you like things done. Get your money’s worth and help them become better at their craft.
What to Do After your Brazilian Wax
4. Care for your skin in between
EWC sells a lot of products for skin care in between waxes. I thought it was just a way for them to make extra money off of me but I actually have found them helpful. The body polish exfoliator and the ingrown hair serum are must-haves. Whenever I don’t use the products as much I find that my waxes are more painful, my hair grows back thicker and I get a few ingrown hairs. Even if you don’t get snatched at EWC, ask your waxer for product recommendations to make sure your skin is being cared for at all times.
5. Keep up a regular schedule.
I get waxes regularly every 4 weeks. This is the minimum time allowed. This is about the time of the month that the hair has regrown to a length that is long enough to wax off without being too long or thick. Whenever I go longer than a week I regret it as soon as the first strip of wax is snatched off. The best way to keep the pain at a minimum and the length of your wax sessions short is to make sure you get one every 4 weeks! After the first time, the waxing is considerably less painful. This is especially the case if you are exfoliating regularly and have minimal in-grown hairs.